Trendsplant Report Vol. VIII
publicado por Miguel Ángel García Jurado elWe’re back! We have brought the second quarter to a close, and this is our personal balance sheet.
Trendsplant Report Vol. VII
publicado por Luis Guillén Malluguiza elTrendsplant is a B Corp!
publicado por Luis Guillén Malluguiza elXII ANIVERSARY
publicado por Luis Guillén Malluguiza elRetraced: Tech for making Trendsplant’s manufacture and supply chain more transparent
publicado por Miguel Garcia elFrom the outset at Trendsplant, we have thought that change in the fashion world is possible. And we are now seeing it every day. But that change is only possible when more participants in the...
Better Labeling: Know what you're buying from us
publicado por Miguel Garcia elAt Trendsplant we’ve known for some time that we can change much more through our consumption than through one vote every so often. We’ve all been swept up in an enormous wave of consumption and...