Meet the Team: Sara
Posted by Miguel Garcia on
Our meeting point between clients and Trendsplant
A place to lose yourself...
As I always say, if you can’t find me, I’ll be in Scotland and probably in Edinburgh. Its unique rocky landscape against the ocean, and its green meadows, make it a place to lose yourself and never return. Going to Edinburgh is like going back in time and fantasizing about a magic and mysterious world in which the paranormal is very important. Its streets built of rock, its buildings full of curiosities, its underground city and even its strangely beautiful and peaceful graveyards, make it a special and unique city. Each time I go I fall deeper in love with its culture, the Scottish philosophy and way of life, and of course the smell of popcorn that reeks throughout the city. Not even the rain can make me fall out of love with Scotland!
It's very difficult to decide. But if had to take just one, it would definitely be the blue Color Block Hoodie. It was one of my first garments, and the reason I ended up loving Trendsplant. Its mix of colors, delectable feel and the breadth of combinations it offers make it a special garment that turns heads wherever I go. It will always be a very special garment because in a way it opened Trendsplant’s doors to me. In a very short time, I went from buying that garment to starting work in the store and forming part of its family.
That song you can't stop humming...
One song I’ve listened to EVERY day for years is “Heroes” by David Bowie. My father played it to me when I was little. Bowie fascinates me as an artist and a person, he was always one step ahead of the rest of the humanity. I love his story, his chameleon style and his way of creating music. I even named my dog Bowie and have a tattoo of the lightning bolt across his face from the cover of the Aladdin Sane album. “Heroes” stays with me because it’s a perfect song at any time, regardless of my mood. I think both the lyrics and the melody are sensational considering the time it was recorded.
Besides a clothing brand, what does Trendsplant mean to you?
Trendsplant has become much more than a clothing brand. Indeed, although in the past “the elephant” was what most drew my attention, since I’ve been working and learning here day in day out, the clothing itself has become secondary. For me it represents sustainability, in other words, continuing to develop ourselves but always based on the wish to respect nature. I see that every day when we try to find the best materials and technologies for our production, creating a high-quality, highly durable product. On a personal level I would say that Trendsplant means family and empathy, since above all we are people and we always support each other as much as possible.
Although it’s not fashion, I love the ‘Freshly Cosmetics’ brand, mainly for the values they hold. Firstly, they endorse cosmetics promoting naturalness in the body and face. I also love that none of its products are tested on animals, as it's a Cruelty-Free brand. Their products are vegan and they’re committed to reducing the use of plastic in their packaging in favor of recycled cardboard.
It may not be my favorite book, but I would give Come Comida Real [Eat Real Food] by Carlos Rios as a present. I think it’s a book everybody should read to get science-based information on our dietary routines. It’s vital to strip away the myths on nutrition told to us by advertisers and identify which foods are healthy and protect us from illness. As with many other things, we must be critical and analytical with food since the most important thing we have, our health, depends on it.
- Tags: meet the team