Trendsplant Report Vol. VII
Posted by Luis Guillén Malluguiza on
As we said in a previous report, we love what we do every day. We know it’s difficult out there, but we’re working flat out.
For news about Trendsplant’s latest developments in the last three months and the months to come, read on.
Apparel with purpose. Remember this phrase, it will be crucial to Trendsplant in the next few years as it summarizes our mission.
Over the last three months, the whole team has been working in collaboration to define the company's new mission.
It's a key phrase to which we have devoted much time, based on the idea that the decisions that we take have an impact on society.
Those decisions are usually neither easy nor cheap, but we are certain that they generate more benefits for you and for society, now and in the future.

B Corp and B Corp Week. We repeat... we are a B-Corp! Yes, yes... we told you in a previous report and we’re telling you again, but it’s very important.
The process for obtaining this rating is not easy: it took a year of hard work. It also represents a job well done, as we join a group of companies conscious of the planet and the need to do things better.
We’ve already told you about the positive impact and our new mission.
We should add that as you’ll surely have seen from our socials, we participated in B Corp Week, a set of activities with other Spanish B Corp brands explaining why B Corp is so important.
Almost there... Our colleague Jaime, with the help of Jose from Design, is finalizing the details of our website. Hang on to your hats!
As you know, we are moving to a new manager, Shopify. This will bring many improvements on page loading, positioning, content management, etc.
We’re really looking forward to you seeing it! It’s spectacular.

Unexpected but pleasing growth. It wasn’t part of our route map but multi-brand stores from all over the planet increasingly want Trendsplant products in their windows and on their shelves.
We are now in the United States, in cities like New York and Philadelphia, as well as Canada, Italy, Belgium and France.
Small details count. We’re about to change all our labeling once again. By the time you read this, our labeling is sure to be entirely composed of recycled paper and cardboard.
You’ll also get more information about the product, materials and traceability.
What do we have in our locker for the next few months? The coming months sees the arrival of our parkas, made from 100% organic cotton. In Portugal, of course.
They will not be the only new product, there's more: Trendsplant boxers are increasingly close to becoming reality and there’ll be new styles of socks.
And ta-dah! Trendsplant tote bags will also arrive in the coming months. This was a product you’ve been constantly asking us for, so we had to launch it.
Our sunglasses collection also grows: there will be a new model and many surprises. But be a little patient, you’ll get more information in an email soon.
Finally, the Trendsplant range for women grows: it will encompass more products in the coming months.

Concentrated production. We’ve already said that we’re living through turbulent times due to the energy crisis. You’ve heard more than enough about the price of electricity all over Europe.
It’s being felt by our neighbors in Portugal, where we produce. Given the cost of electricity they are being faced with, some of our suppliers are closed for more days than usual, concentrating production into just a few days.
They aim to keep standing by reducing costs and producing the best product possible. We’ll keep you up to date with this difficult situation.
Read, watch, listen. Now, at the end of each report, we’ll share with you content recommended by the Trendsplant team. It may or may not be related to our activity, it may be a book, a documentary or a podcast. It will depend on the moment.
What we do know is that it will be useful, high-quality content. Enjoy!
Book » Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams, de Matthew Walker
Interview » Peter Higgs: "El autobombo en las redes no tiene límites"
Podcast » Vanity Fair Room. Hab.502: Toni Segarra, el escritor de anuncios
- Tags: Brand News report sustainability