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Responsive Design
Antonyo Marest

Alicante born artist Antonyo Marest has been a friend and collaborator since 2015. We have worked together on numerous projects, always based on three pillars: our values of sustainability, an appreciation for design and art, and, of course, our beloved land, Alicante.

Beach Huts

We transformed one of Antonyo's recent creations directed by Marest Studio into clothing: the lifeguard stations installed on the shores of the city of Alicante.

According to the artist, the project has been one of the most intense he has undertaken in his career, with long waiting times and tireless work from its initial conception to its completion.

Imágenes con Flexbox
Imagen 1 Imagen 2

“One of the things my frequent trips to Miami have done for me is fill my mind with icons, colors, sensations, and experiences that no other city has ever been able to provide. It was those sensations I considered bringing to the city where I grew up. The one that I always think of even when far away, which has little in common with Miami if viewed through the proper optics.

Using a chromatic scale that defines my work, these colors and shapes represent our waters, sunrises, and origins with an iconography that aims to mark a before and after for our beaches. Additionally, the geometric pattern of black and white is reminiscent of the traditional umbrellas of the 1980s.”

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