Mariola and the journey through time via some cans
Posted by Miguel Ángel García Jurado on
One of our objectives is to ensure that the products we make last for a long time.
But do we want everything to last? We'd like to share what we found on our last trip to the Sierra de Mariola with you.
I'm sure this will come as no surprise, but we reflected on what we saw during this trip a lot when presenting our new SS22 - Hikers Delight – Mariola.
Okay, that's enough preamble: what we found in the undergrowth were some cans.
That's nothing new, we know, nothing surprising. First point to reflect on: it should be surprising. We shouldn't see that as something normal.
But it is: it's completely normal to find other people's trash on hikes or beach trips.
If we took a bit more care, this would all change. Let's go back to our trip to the Sierra de Mariola.
What surprised us even more was that these cans were from 1982, the year our founders Luis and Miguel were born.
And even more than that, these cans were only a few yards from the rangers' hut and the shelter.
This trash had been in the same place for 40 years, right by a shelter, in sight of hundreds and hundreds of walkers
No one had stopped walking for a second to pick them up and put them in a trash can.
Surprised? You'll have seen dozens of similar cases, like the bag of chips that had been on a beach in Alicante for 22 years and was still intact.
What happens is we focus on the anecdotes and don't think about how harmful these materials are for the environment.
If they hang around outside as time passes, how do they affect the environment when they start to break down?
Do we need to raise more awareness? Do we lack public spirit? Do we not care about what's happening in a natural environment? Do we ignore it because it's not ours?
We can't be the ones to answer these questions; we just want to reflect.
If you find some trash during a trip to the mountains or the beach, stop, pick it up and throw it away in a suitable trash can.
We know you're someone who takes care of the environment and that you can't take responsibility for everything everyone else does, but small actions like these do make a difference.
That's the point we want to reach: one where everything we do today to protect and care for our surroundings has a positive impact on tomorrow.
Our goal is to make products that last, but as a company, we also want to make you reflect and think purposefully.
If we've made you reconsider for a few seconds, we'll have already taken the first step toward a small change that matters – really matters.