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Trendsplant Report Vol. IX

Posted by Jaime Satorre on

It’s been a while since the last time we spoke about numbers, the truth is that we have been very focused on trying to turn things around, as the second half of 2022 didn't quite...

Two B Corps sharing the same goal: IMPACT

Posted by Miguel Garcia on

THE CREATIVE PROCESSThe collaboration we've done with Barner is probably already familiar to followers of our Instagram feed. Furthermore, you have been able to see them through different influencers who have collaborated with this project....

Trendsplant Report Vol. VIII

Posted by Miguel Ángel García Jurado on

We’re back! We have brought the second quarter to a close, and this is our personal balance sheet. 


Who made my clothes?

Posted by Miguel Garcia on
It's time for FASHION REVOLUTION WEEK, with MONEY FASHION POWER as this year's theme.⁠ The event brings together the world's largest fashion activism movement for a week to collectively reimagine a just and equitable fashion system for people and the planet.⁠ ⁠

Trendsplant Report Vol. VII

Posted by Luis Guillén Malluguiza on
Concentrating production into just a few days

We’re also Knowcosters

Posted by Luis Guillén Malluguiza on
This movement is a consumer philosophy based on conscious consumption, on knowing not just the visible cost of the product, but also the unseen indirect costs we all pay: the costs to our welfare and the planet.

Trendsplant Report Vol. VI

Posted by Luis Guillén Malluguiza on
Hello, 2022. We’ve been looking forward to meeting you

Mediterranean Roast ft. Coffeewinks

Posted by Luis Guillén Malluguiza on
The beauty of two very different worlds that collide into a product. Coffee and clothing are connected here by sustainability, traceability and also the city where both projects were born, Alicante, by the Mediterranean Sea.

Trendsplant is a B Corp!

Posted by Luis Guillén Malluguiza on
After a hard year’s work with the certification process, we can announce that... Trendsplant is a B Corp!

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